Research Activities (BP)

Research Activities:

activities > research projects

Casa Paganini - InfoMus participates, for more than 15 years, in international projects, including EU funded projects in the context of the 5th, 6th, and 7th Framework Programmes on ICT, and on Culture Programme, often with role of Coordinator.

The EU projects where Casa Paganini - InfoMus is partner or coordinator are listed below:

EU Projects, H2020:

  • FET PROACTIVE EnTimeMent (H2020-FET-Proactive-01-2018): ENtrainment and synchronization at multiple TIME scales in the MENTal foundations of expressive gesture
    EnTimeMent aims at a radical change in scientific research and enabling technologies for human movement qualitative analysis, entrainment and prediction, based on a novel neuro-cognitive approach of the multiple, mutually interactive time scales characterizing human behaviour.
    EnTimeMent has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 824160
  • ICT weDRAW (H2020-ICT-22-2016): Technologies for Learning and Skills
    Exploiting the best sensory modality for learning arithmetic and geometrical concepts based on multisensory interactive Information and Communication Technologies and serious games.
    The weDRAW project comes from the renewed neuroscientific understanding of the role of communication between sensory modalities during development: specific sensory systems have specific roles to learn specific concepts. Starting from these results, in weDRAW will be developed an multisensory technology and three serious games that will exploit the best modality for learning arithmetic and geometrical concepts.
    WeDraw has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 732391
  • ICT TELMI (H2020-ICT-2015): Technology Enhanced Learning of Musical Instrument Performance
    Learning to play a musical instrument is mostly based on the master-apprentice model in which the student's interaction and socialization is often restricted to short and punctual contact with the teacher followed by long periods of self-study resulting in high abandonment rates. In such a learning model, modern technologies are rarely employed and almost never go beyond audio and video recording.
    The main aim of the TELMI project is to study how we learn musical instruments, taking the violin as a case study, from a pedagogical and scientific perspective and to create new interactive, assistive, self-learning, augmented-feedback, and social-aware systems complementary to traditional teaching
  • ICT WhoLoDance (H2020-ICT-2015): Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education
    The work is in the framework of the EU Horizon2020 ICT Project WholoDance. It consists of the development of computational models and of algorithms for the analysis in real-time of non-verbal human behaviour. The analysis is based on non-verbal full-body multimodal signals. The research will be in the framework of the Workpackage WP2 (Multimodal sensing and capturing analysis) and WP3 (Semantic and emotional representation models).
  • ICT DANCE (IA, 2015-2017): investigating how affective and relational qualities of body movement can be expressed, represented, and analyzed by the auditory channel.

EU Projects, 7th Framework Program:

  • ICT ASC-Inclusion (STREP, 2011-2014): interactive software to help children with Autism understand and express emotions through facial expressions, tone-of-voice and body gestures.
  • ICT FET ILHAIRE (STREP, 2011-2013): study of cognitive and emotional foundations, development of computational models of laughter in human-computer communication and future multimedia systems.
  • ICT FET SIEMPRE, Coordinatore Casa Paganini - InfoMus (STREP, 2010-2012): research in novel theoretical and methodological frameworks, computational models, and algorithms for the analysis of creative communication within groups of people. Research focuses on ensemble musical performance and audience experience, and focuses on techniques for measuring creative social interaction in an ecologically valid framework: empathy, entrainment, co-creation, emotional contagion. Partners: IIT, Queens Univ of Belfast, Pompeu Fabra University, University of Geneve. [on youtube]
  • ICT I-SEARCH (STREP, 2010-2012): Novel search engines based on non-verbal multimodal content. Coordinator: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas CERTH; Partners: Casa Paganini – InfoMus, GOOGLE Ireland Ltd, JCP-Consult, INRIA, Engineering SpA, Exalead, Erfurt University of Applied Sciences, Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, EasternGraphics Gmbh.
  • ICT MIROR (STREP, 2010-2012): development of an innovative and adaptive system for music learning and teaching based on the reflexive interaction paradigm. The platform will be developed in the innovative context of early childhood music education.
  • IST SAME (STREP 2008-2010): Mobile Active Music Listening: Development of new context-aware interactive systems for active listening of pre-recorded music. Partners: Nokia Research Centre; KTH (S); Universitat Pompeu Fabra (E); IRCAM (Paris); Helsinki Aalto University.
  • IST CAPSIL (Coordination Action, 2008-2010): Independent living: Monitoring elderly patients to anticipate diagnosis of cognitive and motoric decline - Project coordinator: INTEL.

EU Projects, Culture Programme:

  • METABODY (Culture 2013) Media Embodiment T&eacutekhne and Bridges of Diversity.
  • CoMeDiA (Culture 2007) Networked music performance. Project coordinator: Ircam-Centre George Pompidou (Paris).

EU IST-ICT Projects, 6th Framework Programme:

  • TAI-CHI (STREP, 2004-2006, Tangible Acoustic Interfaces for Computer-Human Interaction): trasformare oggetti e ambienti architettonici (ad es tavoli, sedie, muri) in interfacce sensibili: tecnologia invisibile, usabile in modo naturale.
  • ENACTIVE (EU Network of Excellence 2004 -2007, European network of main research centers on Human-Machine Interaction and Enactive Multimodal Interfaces): Studio di nuove interfacce uomo-macchina e di sistemi multimodali, basati sul concetto di "enaction" e di "percezione attiva".
  • HUMAINE (EU Network of Excellence, 2004-2007, European network of main research centers on Human-Machine Interaction and computational models of emotion and multimodal interfaces): Che ruolo possono giocare le emozioni nella comunicazione uomo-macchina? InfoMus Lab ha contribuito a Humaine attraverso lo studio di modelli, interfacce e sistemi multimediali in grado di comprendere e comunicare anche attraverso emozioni.
  • ConGAS (COST Action, April 2003 - March 2007, Gesture CONtrolled Audio Systems): Studi su controllo gestuale del suono.
  • S2S^2 (Coordinated Action, June 2004 - May 2007, Sound to Sense - Sense to Sound, coordinate and build a research Roadmap for the Sound and Music Computing discipline and industry sector): studi per una ridefinizione del ruolo del suono nelle interfacce uomo-macchina e nei sistemi multimediali.
  • U-CREATE (Programma UE CRAFT, Creative Authoring Tools for Edutainment Applications): development end technology transfer to SME of multimedia tools and applications based on EyesWeb.

EU-IST Projects:

  • IST Project MEGA (STREP, 2000-2003 - Multisensory Expressive Gesture Applications). Progetto coordinato da InfoMus Lab.
  • TMR Network MOSART (Music Orchestration Systems in Algorithmic Research and Technology, 2000-2003).
  • IST Project MEDIATE (Multisensory Environment Design for an Interface between Autistic and Typical Expressiveness - Sviluppo di ricerca e applicazioni multimediali per supporto a terapia su autismo, 2003).
  • IST Project CARE HERE (Creating Aesthetically Resonant Environments for the Handicapped, Elderly and Rehabilitation, 2001-2002).
  • Esprit Project MIAMI (Multimodal Interaction for Advanced Multimedia Interfaces, 1994-1997).

National and international research projects:

  • "DanzArTe" DanzArTe: se guardi muovendoti, vedi di più - Emotional Wellbeing Technology | Welfare territoriale
    L’innovazione tecnologica a sostegno di un progetto che parla di cultura e salute. */ ?> DanzArTe - Emotional Wellbeing Technology: se guardi muovendoti, vedi di più: l’innovazione tecnologica, la cultura e l'arte per la qualità della vita in anziani fragili. Progetto pilota del Cultural Wellbeing Lab CWlab, Compagnia di San Paolo
  • PRO-HOME: progetto coordinato da E.O Ospedale Galliera (Department of Geriatric Care, Orthogeriatrics and Rehabilitation): progetto su analisi automatica di qualità del movimento per la misura di indice di fragilità in anziani fragili (2021-2023).
  • LASG: Living Architecture Systems Group Project, SSHRC Partnership Grant, University of Waterloo (Canada): partner nel progetto nazionale canadese LASG su living architectures, ovvero sistemi interattivi basati sulla interazione con spazi e architetture mobili sensorizzate (2018-2020).
  • Global Research Network Project, in collaborazione con Pusan National University, Inha University, Daegu Hanny University, South Korea: progetto sulla analisi degli effetti di trattamenti farmacologici su studenti delle scuole superiori coreane, attraverso misura automatica di qualità del movimento (2017-2018).
  • IEMP Interpersonal Entrainment in Music Performance
    An interdisciplinary research project, based on a large-scale international collaboration between a group of scholars with a common interest in interpersonal coordination and synchrony in music-making. It is funded by the UK's Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) for two years from April 2016.